You’re not the boss of me! 8 steps to assess where you are and what you should do to move forward.

June 21, 2020 2 min read

You may have said those words or a version of them when you were younger but didn’t realize just how profound they become as you age. It is correct to say that no one is the boss of you because you are the boss of you. My friend’s granddaughter is so far beyond her three years. She said to her grandmother, “Nana, you not the boss of me. I the boss of me.” What a smart child.


About a year ago, I began to visualize myself, me, as a business or enterprise. Strange… not really. In my full-time job, I pride myself on running an efficient, productive team that incorporates continuous learning and growth. Why wouldn’t I want my life run the same way? Shouldn’t my life be efficient and productive? Shouldn’t I invest in continuous learning and personal growth? You may disagree, but I see the value of viewing my life through the lens of running a successful business. Because you have come to know me to be a bit dramatic and grandiose, I call it running my Empire.


So how does viewing my life as an empire make a difference? Think about it, if a department or division of your job/business is not successful, productive, or profitable, what would you do as the boss? I think at a minimum you would start inquiring into the workings of that department to identify the root causes and implement solutions to fix the problems. To do this professionally, I evaluate the department and make changes based on the information gathered. I tweak that process a bit when I am evaluating my personal Empire. I use the underlying eight (8) steps to conduct a self-assessment of where I am presently:


  • Identify the underperforming area (i.e. lifestyle, relationships, finances, health, emotional well-being, etc.);
  • Identify the root causes of the underperformance;
  • Identify desired outcome(s);
  • Develop the steps needed to achieve that outcome(s), make it as detailed as you need;
  • Set a timeframe to complete each step and the achieve the desired outcome(s);
  • Continuously review your progress to help you remain on track;
  • Reassess and make tweaks to the steps as needed; and
  • Acknowledge your success.


Once you complete these steps, you never have to do it again, right? Wrong! You will need to regularly evaluate your life to ensure that you are on track to becoming your best self. I will address what this looks like in another post, State of the Empire.



Final word… view your life with whichever lens you choose to, but know that self-assessment is required to help you remain on course towards becoming.

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